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Single Sign On (SAML 2.0)

As a company grows, managing the team’s access across all software vendors becomes tiresome. It’s easy to forget to revoke access of team members who leave, or separately inviting each new person to several different platforms. Luckily these problems are easily resolved by Single Sign On (SSO), and now Doorbell supports SSO using the SAML 2.0 protocol.

Auto replies

A feature almost all helpdesks have is an auto reply when you receive a new messages. Although Doorbell is not a full-blown helpdesk, your customers will still appreciate getting a confirmation message knowing their message is received!

Customer profiles

Any time you have a customer interaction, it is a great opportunity to go above and beyond to delight them. Our new customer profiles feature does just that. You’ll have additional insight about the customer, and about previous messages. Your team can then have better and more personal interactions with the customer.

Anonymize IPs

From Doorbell’s initial launch we’ve focused on security and privacy. Encrypting data in the database, encrypting the database at rest, penetration tests, and the list goes on. One of the most important privacy factors (even before GDPR came into effect) has been to protect the location of customers.

Canned responses

No matter how good your FAQ might be, and how clear your site is, there is still a high chance that you’ll keep getting the same questions coming in over and over again. To make life easier, Doorbell now has canned responses!

Read receipts

A feature almost all CRMs have is email read receipts. Even though Doorbell is not a CRM, it can certainly be helpful to know if the messages you sent have been read or not. As of today, Doorbell has read receipts.

Anonymous feedback

Since Doorbell first went live, one of the most frequently requested features has been allowing anonymous feedback. We can of course see why (not all users want to share their email address), but it obviously has some major implications to the flow of things (you can’t reply to the feedback, for example). We’ve been beta testing this feature for a while, and we’re very proud to say that we’ve just released it to everybody!

2 Factor Authentication

Whenever somebody decides to use a service, it takes a huge leap of faith to trust them with your data. As a service provider, even once you gain that trust from your customers, you still have to keep working at it, to keep their concerns at ease. Therefore it’s very exciting to announce that Doorbell now supports 2 Factor Authentication. Powered by Google Authenticator, you can now secure your account and require an extra step to log in.